Friday, March 22, 2013

I Want The Cross †

"There is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends."

It is that time of year again!!

Today we are embarking upon our 33 mile journey to the cross. VIA DOLOROSA
It is an annual youth event in which we gather our troops and take them on a painful walk around Boca Raton, Florida. Each mile representing a year that Jesus walked the earth. 
Blisters, rashes, sweat, blood and tears ... and an 80 pound wooden cross! Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday morning. 
It was started by Dave Cowger in 1997, and we have been carrying it out ever since. 

Take a second and just imagine that... A group of 100 (more or less) students dauntlessly carrying a cross around their city ....

Taking turns throughout the walk, each carrying the cross for as long as their little bodies can take, it gives them a tiny snippet and acts as a reminder of our Lord's journey to crucifixion. Mind you, our cross has a wheel attached, making it easier to transport, plus the rag that we get to put on our shoulder where we will take our grasp of it. Therefore, our measly walk can never be COMPARED to Jesus' human muscles being pushed beyond their endurance, in addition to deep, relentless, throbbing pain. 

I can not fight the tears and chills that run through my body as I watch the horrific scene directed by your very own Mel Gibson.

I do encourage anyone and everyone who is in South Florida to join us this weekend! It is a beautiful experience. You will not be the same. 

"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for out iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his WOUNDS we are HEALED." Isaiah 53: 5

Thank you Jesus for making all things new in my life. 

Nothing missing, nothing broken ....... † † † †

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